Welcome to new home of the Sporting Car Club of South Australia!
We have listened to your feedback and added in new and exciting areas for you to enjoy. For the first time, we now have a Member's Only platform on our website. On it, you can chat with other members on our forum, do your online renewals and look through cars of fellow members. If you would like to include your car on the Members' Cars page, please contact Josh at digital@sportingcarclub.com.au.
To register for our Members' Only area, please head to the red symbols in the top right hand corner and create an account. Accounts need to be approved by the office so make sure you place your membership number. Just a reminder, only members of the Sporting Car Club of South Australia will be accepted onto the Members' Only area.
If you're not a member and would like to be, please click here.
If there are any issues, errors, typos, recommendations or general comments on the new site, please don't hesitate to contact Josh at digital@sportingcarclub.com.au
Thank you and enjoy the website!